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Answers to Frequently Asked Property Owner  Questions

Q. How quickly will you be able to get my property rented?
A. We can typically rent an average rental home(2-3 bedroom, avg size, etc) within 3-4 weeks.

Q. How will you screen my tenant?
A. We feel strongly about screening tenants thoroughly. The tenant will be screened by our software, however, in addition to this process we have a list of criteria your tenant must match, such as making 3x the rental price, no evictions within the last 5 years, 1 year on the job...just to name a few.

Q. Can you please send me the tenants credit report?
A. No, we cannot send the credit report to anyone outside of our office(including the tenant).  We have agreed to certain policies concerning the credit report and we are to uphold those policies.

Q. How do you handle repairs?
A. Maintenance requests are handled in a very timely manner and all requests are acknowledged within 24 hours. All emergency maintenance requests are handled immediately.

Q. Can I do my own repairs?
A. Yes, you may opt to do your own repairs. We will insert the number you provide to us within the lease, so the tenant is able to request repairs directly through the contact info you provide.

Q. My property needs some work before a new tenant can move in. Can you help?
A. Yes, we are able to assess and provide a written estimate for repairs for make ready.

Q. When do I get my rental proceeds?
A. The first week of the month following the payment period.

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